Hootsuite Customer Insights

Company Description:

Hootsuite is a social media management tool that brings scheduling, content creation, analytics, and social listening to one place.

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Industry: Marketing And Advertising
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Employees: 501-1000
Founded: 2008
* Company data provided by People Data Labs

Hootsuite Competitive Profile

Hootsuite compared to other Social Media Management companies

Closest Social Media Management Competitors to Hootsuite

We're tracking 243 vendors in the Social Media Management category.

Hootsuite is currently scored #9 in the Social Media Management category, versus their competitors.  

The top Social Media Management vendors that we are tracking are AddThis, ShareThis and Hatena.

Explore all vendors in the Social Media Management category »

Icon Name Overall Score Customer Count Score Overall Traffic Score Website Visits Score DNS Traffic Score Inbound Links Score
Curator 97/100 86/100 91/100 71/100 90/100 87/100
Juicer 97/100 92/100 94/100 49/100 98/100 87/100
Hootsuite 96/100 29/100 99/100 100/100 88/100 99/100
Buffer 95/100 43/100 97/100 99/100 65/100 98/100
Sprout Social
Sprout Social 95/100 24/100 98/100 96/100 85/100 98/100
Meltwater 95/100 36/100 96/100 95/100 81/100 95/100

Hootsuite compared to other Employee Advocacy companies

Closest Employee Advocacy Competitors to Hootsuite

We're tracking 17 vendors in the Employee Advocacy category.

Hootsuite is currently scored #1 in the Employee Advocacy category, versus their competitors.  

The top Employee Advocacy vendors that we are tracking are Hootsuite, Oktopost and Sociabble.

Explore all vendors in the Employee Advocacy category »

Icon Name Overall Score Customer Count Score Overall Traffic Score Website Visits Score DNS Traffic Score Inbound Links Score
Hootsuite 100/100 34/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 100/100
Oktopost 91/100 100/100 90/100 70/100 88/100 75/100
Sociabble 82/100 67/100 80/100 20/100 75/100 50/100
Smarp 73/100 -- 70/100 50/100 25/100 88/100
Bambu 64/100 -- 50/100 90/100 50/100 13/100
EveryoneSocial 55/100 -- 61/100 40/100 13/100 63/100

Hootsuite Website Statistics

Tranco Rank

Tranco rank measures Hootsuite's overall internet traffic.

# 2711 / 6000000 * last update: Feb 24, 2024
Alexa Rank

Alexa rank measures Hootsuite's global website traffic.

# 1324 / 1000000 * last update: Apr 02, 2023
Majestic Rank

Majestic rank measures Hootsuite's inbound link volume.

# 768 / 1000000 * last update: Sep 11, 2023
Umbrella Rank

Umbrella rank measures Hootsuite's domain DNS requestss.

# 50357 / 1000000 * last update: Sep 11, 2023

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