Curator Customer Insights

Company Description:

Curator is a free forever social media aggregator that helps you collect and display content. Set up your feed in under 5 minutes.

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Industry: Marketing And Advertising
Location: Australia
Employees: 1-10
Founded: Not Available
* Company data provided by People Data Labs

Curator Customer Profile

Curator Customer List

Download a CSV of Curator's customer list of 787 customers.

We capture this data based on javascript, cookies, tracking pixels and other references on the customer website that we've matched back to Curator.

Curator Customer List Preview
Customer NameOverall Traffic Rank CityCountryFoundedIndustryEmployees
Harvard University 271 Cambridge United States 1636 Higher Education 10001+
cornell university 575 Ithaca United States 1865 Higher Education 10001+
columbia university in the city of new york 895 New York United States 1754 Higher Education 10001+
United States Department of State 900 Washington United States International Affairs 10001+
University of Minnesota Twin Cities 1194 United States 1851 Higher Education 10001+
arizona state university 1804 Tempe United States 1885 Higher Education 10001+
Rutgers University 2769 New Brunswick United States 1766 Higher Education 10001+
Tufts University 3299 Medford United States 1852 Higher Education 10001+
Washington State University 3741 United States 1890 Higher Education 10001+
university of delaware 3816 Newark United States 1743 Higher Education 10001+

Curator Customers by Employee Count

Employee Count % of Customers # of Customers
11-50 employees 22% 119
51-200 employees 18% 96
1001-5000 employees 16% 87
1-10 employees 14% 74
201-500 employees 12% 64
10001+ employees 6% 33
501-1000 employees 6% 32
5001-10000 employees 4% 23

Sample Size: 528 Curator customers with Employee Count data

Curator Customers by Country (HQ)

Country (HQ) % of Customers # of Customers
United States 64% 310
United Kingdom 10% 48
Australia 7% 38
Canada 2% 14
Switzerland 2% 12
France 2% 11
India 1% 8
Germany 1% 7
Ireland 1% 6
Other 4% 23

Sample Size: 477 Curator customers with Country (HQ) data

Curator Customers by Industry

Industry % of Customers # of Customers
Higher Education 27% 97
Hospitality 9% 33
Leisure, Travel & Tourism 7% 27
Non-Profit Organization Management 6% 24
Government Administration 6% 22
Sports 6% 21
Education Management 4% 17
Food & Beverages 3% 11
Hospital & Health Care 3% 11
Other 24% 87

Sample Size: 350 Curator customers with Industry data

Curator Competitive Profile

Curator compared to other Social Media Management companies

Closest Social Media Management Competitors to Curator

We're tracking 243 vendors in the Social Media Management category.

Curator is currently scored #8 in the Social Media Management category, versus their competitors.  

The top Social Media Management vendors that we are tracking are Twitter, AddThis and ShareThis.

Explore all vendors in the Social Media Management category »

Icon Name Overall Score Customer Count Score Overall Traffic Score Website Visits Score DNS Traffic Score Inbound Links Score
Metricool 98/100 94/100 93/100 96/100 93/100 74/100
Sprinklr 97/100 64/100 97/100 95/100 95/100 84/100
Curator 97/100 87/100 90/100 70/100 89/100 86/100
Juicer 96/100 92/100 93/100 49/100 97/100 86/100
Hootsuite 96/100 28/100 98/100 100/100 87/100 98/100
Buffer 95/100 44/100 97/100 98/100 64/100 98/100

Curator Website Statistics

Tranco Rank

Tranco rank measures Curator's overall internet traffic.

# 26240 / 6000000 * last update: Feb 24, 2024
Alexa Rank

Alexa rank measures Curator's global website traffic.

# 96704 / 1000000 * last update: Apr 02, 2023
Majestic Rank

Majestic rank measures Curator's inbound link volume.

# 13894 / 1000000 * last update: Sep 11, 2023
Umbrella Rank

Umbrella rank measures Curator's domain DNS requestss.

# 44963 / 1000000 * last update: Sep 11, 2023

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