gravity software ltd. Customer Insights

Company Description:

From e-commerce website to big data processing. We design and develop IT system based on your requirements. Our team specialises in Java, PHP and .NET.

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  • Website:

Industry: Computer Software
Employees: 1-10
Founded: 2011
* Company data provided by People Data Labs

gravity software ltd. Customer Profile

gravity software ltd. Customer List

Download a CSV of gravity software ltd.'s customer list of 457 customers.

We capture this data based on javascript, cookies, tracking pixels and other references on the customer website that we've matched back to gravity software ltd..

gravity software ltd. Customer List Preview
Customer NameOverall Traffic Rank CityCountryFoundedIndustryEmployees
OneFootball 4272 Berlin Germany 2008 Internet 51-200
Wilson Sporting Goods - Official Website 28381 Chicago United States 1914 Sporting Goods 1001-5000
The National September 11 Memorial & Museum 38638 New York United States 2005 Non-Profit Organization Management 201-500
Minnesota Historical Society 46009 West Saint Paul United States 1849 Museums And Institutions 501-1000
Word on Fire 56830 Park Ridge United States Media Production 1-10
mygolfspy 76480 Yorktown United States 2008 Publishing 11-50
Trapstar London 76546 London United Kingdom 2006 Apparel & Fashion 11-50
Campus Shoes 87334 New Delhi India 1983 Consumer Goods 201-500
rangers football club 103545 Glasgow United Kingdom 1872 Sports 201-500
YoungLA 108930 Los Angeles United States 2014 Apparel & Fashion 11-50

gravity software ltd. Customers by Employee Count

Employee Count % of Customers # of Customers
11-50 employees 48% 116
1-10 employees 27% 66
51-200 employees 14% 35
201-500 employees 5% 12
1001-5000 employees 2% 5
501-1000 employees 1% 4
5001-10000 employees 0% 1

Sample Size: 239 gravity software ltd. customers with Employee Count data

gravity software ltd. Customers by Country (HQ)

Country (HQ) % of Customers # of Customers
United States 63% 133
United Kingdom 9% 20
Canada 7% 16
Australia 5% 12
India 2% 6
Mexico 1% 3
Spain 1% 3
France 0% 2
Germany 0% 2
Other 6% 13

Sample Size: 210 gravity software ltd. customers with Country (HQ) data

gravity software ltd. Customers by Industry

Industry % of Customers # of Customers
Retail 20% 36
Apparel & Fashion 18% 33
Consumer Goods 10% 19
Food & Beverages 7% 13
Internet 4% 7
Health, Wellness And Fitness 4% 7
Luxury Goods & Jewelry 3% 6
Sporting Goods 3% 6
Cosmetics 3% 6
Other 24% 42

Sample Size: 175 gravity software ltd. customers with Industry data

gravity software ltd. Website Statistics

Tranco Rank

Tranco rank measures gravity software ltd.'s overall internet traffic.

# 69979 / 6000000 * last update: Feb 24, 2024
Alexa Rank

Alexa rank measures gravity software ltd.'s global website traffic.

# 131732 / 1000000 * last update: Jun 05, 2021
Majestic Rank
Not Ranked  
Umbrella Rank

Umbrella rank measures gravity software ltd.'s domain DNS requestss.

# 60174 / 1000000 * last update: Sep 11, 2023

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