Markerly Customer Insights

Company Description:

Markerly is the leading influencer marketing agency helping brands launch campaigns with top social media influencers on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and other social media platforms.

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Industry: Internet
Location: Austin, Texas, United States
Employees: 11-50
Founded: 2012
* Company data provided by People Data Labs

Markerly Competitive Profile

Markerly compared to other Social Media Management companies

Closest Social Media Management Competitors to Markerly

We're tracking 243 vendors in the Social Media Management category.

Markerly is currently scored #72 in the Social Media Management category, versus their competitors.  

The top Social Media Management vendors that we are tracking are AddThis, ShareThis and Hatena.

Explore all vendors in the Social Media Management category »

Icon Name Overall Score Customer Count Score Overall Traffic Score Website Visits Score DNS Traffic Score Inbound Links Score
Social9 65/100 58/100 60/100 28/100 38/100 --
ViralContentBee 64/100 -- 74/100 20/100 -- 82/100
Markerly 64/100 29/100 57/100 31/100 3/100 58/100
eClincher 63/100 -- 63/100 51/100 -- 60/100
Aggregage 63/100 51/100 70/100 12/100 42/100 --
DrumUp 62/100 -- 34/100 88/100 -- 45/100

Markerly compared to other Influencer Marketing companies

Closest Influencer Marketing Competitors to Markerly

We're tracking 69 vendors in the Influencer Marketing category.

Markerly is currently scored #20 in the Influencer Marketing category, versus their competitors.  

The top Influencer Marketing vendors that we are tracking are Pixlee, Klear and Loyaltylion.

Explore all vendors in the Influencer Marketing category »

Icon Name Overall Score Customer Count Score Overall Traffic Score Website Visits Score DNS Traffic Score Inbound Links Score
NinjaOutreach 74/100 -- 81/100 57/100 -- 92/100
Accessily 71/100 -- 68/100 66/100 53/100 32/100
Markerly 71/100 47/100 64/100 32/100 9/100 65/100
SOSIAGO Indonesia 68/100 75/100 53/100 38/100 44/100 --
Captiv8 66/100 1/100 66/100 58/100 35/100 36/100
Triberr 66/100 -- 96/100 4/100 -- 98/100

Markerly Website Statistics

Tranco Rank

Tranco rank measures Markerly's overall internet traffic.

# 324102 / 6000000 * last update: Feb 24, 2024
Alexa Rank

Alexa rank measures Markerly's global website traffic.

# 369914 / 1000000 * last update: Jun 05, 2021
Majestic Rank

Majestic rank measures Markerly's inbound link volume.

# 121452 / 1000000 * last update: Sep 11, 2023
Umbrella Rank

Umbrella rank measures Markerly's domain DNS requestss.

# 930957 / 1000000 * last update: Apr 02, 2023

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