AdYouLike Customer Insights

Company Description:

The ADYOULIKE Native Technology Platform and Network allows brand advertisers to scale their native advertising campaigns across premium and niche publishers with ease from a single point of entry using the ADYOULIKE DNA Marketplace, the leading global Native Advertising SSP

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Industry: Internet
Location: New York, New York, United States
Employees: 51-200
Founded: 2011
* Company data provided by People Data Labs

AdYouLike Customer Profile

AdYouLike Customer List

Download a CSV of AdYouLike's customer list of 10273 customers.

We capture this data based on javascript, cookies, tracking pixels and other references on the customer website that we've matched back to AdYouLike.

AdYouLike Customer List Preview
Customer NameOverall Traffic Rank CityCountryFoundedIndustryEmployees 64 London United Kingdom Non-Profit Organization Management 1001-5000
Criteo 121 Paris France 2005 Internet 1001-5000
SoundCloud 156 Berlin Germany 2007 Internet 201-500
Yahoo! JAPAN 339 Tokyo Japan 1996 Internet 5001-10000
fox news channel 370 United States 1996 Broadcast Media 1001-5000
AliExpress 388 Moskva Russia 2019 Internet 201-500
Alibaba 443 Hangzhou China 1999 Internet 10001+
Imgur 481 San Francisco United States 2009 Internet 51-200
The Independent 488 London United Kingdom Newspapers 201-500
楽天市場 497 Japan Telecommunications 1001-5000

AdYouLike Customers by Employee Count

Employee Count % of Customers # of Customers
11-50 employees 30% 1320
51-200 employees 23% 1036
1-10 employees 16% 730
201-500 employees 10% 473
1001-5000 employees 8% 375
501-1000 employees 5% 240
5001-10000 employees 1% 72
10001+ employees 1% 70
2-10 employees 0% 6

Sample Size: 4322 AdYouLike customers with Employee Count data

AdYouLike Customers by Country (HQ)

Country (HQ) % of Customers # of Customers
United States 56% 1711
United Kingdom 8% 252
Turkey 5% 166
France 5% 163
Brazil 5% 159
Australia 4% 143
India 4% 129
Germany 3% 113
Canada 2% 88
Other 2% 90

Sample Size: 3014 AdYouLike customers with Country (HQ) data

AdYouLike Customers by Industry

Industry % of Customers # of Customers
Retail 31% 687
Apparel & Fashion 16% 363
Internet 12% 274
Consumer Goods 9% 206
Health, Wellness And Fitness 6% 136
Online Media 4% 105
Automotive 4% 105
Leisure, Travel & Tourism 4% 102
Publishing 4% 98
Other 5% 124

Sample Size: 2200 AdYouLike customers with Industry data

AdYouLike Competitive Profile

AdYouLike compared to other Native Advertising companies

Closest Native Advertising Competitors to AdYouLike

We're tracking 49 vendors in the Native Advertising category.

AdYouLike is currently scored #19 in the Native Advertising category, versus their competitors.  

The top Native Advertising vendors that we are tracking are Taboola, Outbrain and Revcontent.

Explore all vendors in the Native Advertising category »

Icon Name Overall Score Customer Count Score Overall Traffic Score Website Visits Score DNS Traffic Score Inbound Links Score
adbutler 70/100 66/100 43/100 80/100 -- 60/100
Kiosked 64/100 22/100 69/100 36/100 55/100 63/100
AdYouLike 64/100 88/100 38/100 57/100 7/100 54/100
Ad.Plus 61/100 25/100 60/100 90/100 39/100 -- 59/100 35/100 72/100 26/100 65/100 -- 57/100 79/100 34/100 44/100 23/100 13/100

AdYouLike Website Statistics

Tranco Rank

Tranco rank measures AdYouLike's overall internet traffic.

# 438315 / 6000000 * last update: Feb 24, 2024
Alexa Rank

Alexa rank measures AdYouLike's global website traffic.

# 152156 / 1000000 * last update: Apr 02, 2023
Majestic Rank

Majestic rank measures AdYouLike's inbound link volume.

# 243494 / 1000000 * last update: Sep 11, 2023
Umbrella Rank

Umbrella rank measures AdYouLike's domain DNS requestss.

# 707172 / 1000000 * last update: Apr 02, 2023

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