Customer Insights

Company Description:

Shape makes PPC budget management and automation software that helps digital marketers and agencies scale their businesses profitably. As former digital marketers, we spent a lot of time manually updating complicated Excel spreadsheets to track and manage PPC spend (before we could even start to make optimizations)! Enough was enough. So we built the ppc management platform we always wish existed. We believe a PPC marketer’s time should be spent on fun challenges: driving tests and optimizations that improve performance. Shape Integrated Software helps marketers: 1) Automate PPC budget management by tracking campaign spend across multiple ad networks and be alerted when PPC spend nears its Budget cap 2) Optimize and report on performance by allowing marketers to spot trends and take action directly from Shape 3) Customize PPC data based on their unique strategy and Client/Account structure.

Industry: Computer Software
Location: Bend, Oregon, United States
Employees: 1-10
Founded: 2015
* Company data provided by People Data Labs Competitive Profile compared to other Search Advertising companies

Closest Search Advertising Competitors to

We're tracking 59 vendors in the Search Advertising category. is currently scored #48 in the Search Advertising category, versus their competitors.  

The top Search Advertising vendors that we are tracking are Click Cease, LockerDome and Yext.

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Icon Name Overall Score Customer Count Score Overall Traffic Score Website Visits Score DNS Traffic Score Inbound Links Score
Aori 15/100 -- 26/100 28/100 -- --
tribeOS 12/100 10/100 15/100 -- 21/100 -- 10/100 -- 39/100 1/100 -- --
Adspert 8/100 -- 13/100 -- -- 18/100
Adboozter 1/100 -- 3/100 -- -- --
Go2mobi 1/100 -- 5/100 -- -- -- Website Statistics

Tranco Rank

Tranco rank measures's overall internet traffic.

# 461898 / 6000000 * last update: Jan 24, 2022
Alexa Rank

Alexa rank measures's global website traffic.

# 835073 / 1000000 * last update: Apr 02, 2023
Majestic Rank
Not Ranked  
Umbrella Rank
Not Ranked  

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