loop54 Customer Insights

Company Description:

There are two simple ingredients for creating a truly personalised shopping experience: Unique customer preferences and real-time purchase intent. Loop54’s predictive personalisation delivers both automatically. Imagine a new visitor comes to your shop. The first thing this new visitor does is search for “pants”. The Loop54 engine will present all the pants in your catalogue, ranked by popularity. But instead of selecting what is most popular, this visitor scrolls down and clicks on a pair of running pants. With one click, Loop54 has begun to understand what area of the catalogue this visitor is currently interested in, and in this case the visitor is interested in activewear. The next thing this visitor does is search for “shirts”. But now, instead of showing the most popular shirts first, Loop54 will personalise this visitor's experience and rank activewear higher in the results. Instead of endless scrolling and filtering, this visitor has quickly found and purchased what they wanted - a Nike training shirt. Though purchase intent will change between shopping sessions, customer preferences do not. After each visit, Loop54 will remember the preferences of each unique visitor and will use this information to rank their preferred products higher in search and category listings. This makes it easier and faster for visitors to find what their looking.

Connect with loop54

Industry: Computer Software
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Employees: 11-50
Founded: 2010
* Company data provided by People Data Labs

loop54 Competitive Profile

loop54 compared to other Visitor Tracking companies

Closest Visitor Tracking Competitors to loop54

We're tracking 40 vendors in the Visitor Tracking category.

loop54 is currently scored #33 in the Visitor Tracking category, versus their competitors.  

The top Visitor Tracking vendors that we are tracking are whos.amung.us, Lead Forensics and Leadfeeder.

Explore all vendors in the Visitor Tracking category »

Icon Name Overall Score Customer Count Score Overall Traffic Score Website Visits Score DNS Traffic Score Inbound Links Score
Breakfastleads 22/100 22/100 4/100 -- -- --
Leadexplorer 15/100 22/100 -- -- -- --
loop54 15/100 -- 16/100 8/100 -- --
LeadBI 15/100 12/100 10/100 -- -- --
Leadenhancer 15/100 3/100 19/100 -- 1/100 --
Lumio Analytics 8/100 12/100 7/100 -- -- --

loop54 Website Statistics

Tranco Rank

Tranco rank measures loop54's overall internet traffic.

# 1445584 / 6000000 * last update: Jun 04, 2021
Alexa Rank

Alexa rank measures loop54's global website traffic.

# 573002 / 1000000 * last update: Jun 05, 2021
Majestic Rank
Not Ranked  
Umbrella Rank
Not Ranked  

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