LeadFox Customer Insights

Company Description:

Leadfox est un logiciel marketing tout-en-un disponible en français, conçu pour aider les PME et les agences à rendre leur marketing Web plus performant et rentable. Avec notre solution unique, vous pouvez accéder à tous les outils essentiels dont vous avez besoin pour réussir en ligne, ainsi qu'à l'aide d'experts en marketing pour vous guider tout au long du processus. Nous offrons également plus de 500 modèles éprouvés pour vous aider à développer votre entreprise en ligne de manière simple et efficace. Grâce à Leadfox, vous pouvez automatiser vos campagnes marketing, suivre vos performances en temps réel et améliorer votre présence en ligne en un rien de temps. Que vous soyez novice en marketing Web ou un expert chevronné, Leadfox est là pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs. Rejoignez notre communauté aujourd'hui et commencez à faire croître votre entreprise en ligne !

Connect with LeadFox

Industry: Computer Software
Location: Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Employees: 11-50
Founded: 2015
* Company data provided by People Data Labs

LeadFox Customer Profile

LeadFox Customer List

Download a CSV of LeadFox's customer list of 41 customers.

We capture this data based on javascript, cookies, tracking pixels and other references on the customer website that we've matched back to LeadFox.

LeadFox Customer List Preview
Customer NameOverall Traffic Rank CityCountryFoundedIndustryEmployees
IMT 147257 France 2012 Higher Education 1001-5000
doctoranytime belgium 162460 Brussels Belgium 2016 Health, Wellness And Fitness 11-50
GrowthZone 269565 Nisswa United States 1996 Computer Software 51-200
marcopolis 437723 Paris France 2007 Online Media 11-50
bonjour-santé 440440 Boucherville Canada 2010 Information Technology And Services 51-200
Atome3D.com n°1 en France 468629 Pechbonnieu France 2016 Machinery 1-10
Formations aux métiers en immobilier 554602 Montréal Canada 2002 Higher Education 11-50
360 formation 582899 Saint-Nazaire France 2017 Professional Training & Coaching 1-10
Nutaq Technologies 601083 Québec Canada 1982 Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing 11-50
tagmydoc 685041 Repentigny Canada 2011 Information Technology And Services 1-10

LeadFox Customers by Employee Count

Employee Count % of Customers # of Customers
1-10 employees 26% 8
51-200 employees 23% 7
11-50 employees 20% 6
201-500 employees 20% 6
501-1000 employees 6% 2
1001-5000 employees 3% 1

Sample Size: 30 LeadFox customers with Employee Count data

LeadFox Customers by Country (HQ)

Country (HQ) % of Customers # of Customers
Canada 48% 12
France 44% 11
Belgium 4% 1
United States 4% 1

Sample Size: 25 LeadFox customers with Country (HQ) data

LeadFox Customers by Industry

Industry % of Customers # of Customers
Higher Education 13% 4
Information Technology And Services 10% 3
Internet 10% 3
Education Management 6% 2
Online Media 6% 2
Professional Training & Coaching 6% 2
Computer Software 6% 2
Chemicals 3% 1
Logistics And Supply Chain 3% 1
Other 31% 9

Sample Size: 29 LeadFox customers with Industry data

LeadFox Competitive Profile

LeadFox compared to other Marketing Automation Platform companies

Closest Marketing Automation Platform Competitors to LeadFox

We're tracking 90 vendors in the Marketing Automation Platform category.

LeadFox is currently scored #27 in the Marketing Automation Platform category, versus their competitors.  

The top Marketing Automation Platform vendors that we are tracking are HubSpot, MailChimp and Pardot.

Explore all vendors in the Marketing Automation Platform category »

Icon Name Overall Score Customer Count Score Overall Traffic Score Website Visits Score DNS Traffic Score Inbound Links Score
Tripolis 70/100 -- 77/100 44/100 49/100 61/100
smoove 69/100 33/100 72/100 74/100 19/100 30/100
LeadFox 68/100 56/100 68/100 55/100 35/100 6/100
SalesFusion 67/100 -- 39/100 36/100 74/100 63/100
Force24 64/100 68/100 75/100 -- 66/100 --
Automizy 64/100 1/100 52/100 82/100 7/100 67/100

LeadFox Website Statistics

Tranco Rank

Tranco rank measures LeadFox's overall internet traffic.

# 128548 / 6000000 * last update: Feb 24, 2024
Alexa Rank

Alexa rank measures LeadFox's global website traffic.

# 173002 / 1000000 * last update: Apr 02, 2023
Majestic Rank

Majestic rank measures LeadFox's inbound link volume.

# 884565 / 1000000 * last update: Sep 11, 2023
Umbrella Rank

Umbrella rank measures LeadFox's domain DNS requestss.

# 500728 / 1000000 * last update: Sep 11, 2023

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