Integrify Customer Insights

Company Description:

The video features clips from our customers sharing how Integrify's workflow automation platform has made their organization more efficient, streamlined their workflows, and improved productivity. Customers describe their experiences with the Integrify team, how the platform has helped automate complex workflows and manage approvals and tasks, and share their thoughts on why others should consider implementing workflow automation with Integrify.

Connect with Integrify

Industry: Computer Software
Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States
Employees: 11-50
Founded: 2001
* Company data provided by People Data Labs

Integrify Competitive Profile

Integrify compared to other Project Management companies

Closest Project Management Competitors to Integrify

We're tracking 129 vendors in the Project Management category.

Integrify is currently scored #41 in the Project Management category, versus their competitors.  

The top Project Management vendors that we are tracking are Dropbox, Airtable and Monday.

Explore all vendors in the Project Management category »

Icon Name Overall Score Customer Count Score Overall Traffic Score Website Visits Score DNS Traffic Score Inbound Links Score
Aceproject 63/100 -- 47/100 59/100 37/100 42/100
YouGile 62/100 1/100 96/100 61/100 18/100 --
Integrify 62/100 -- 60/100 45/100 11/100 61/100
OrangeScrum 60/100 27/100 38/100 42/100 -- 51/100
Kirby 60/100 -- 67/100 11/100 -- 78/100
SiteTracker 58/100 -- 66/100 27/100 15/100 44/100

Integrify Website Statistics

Tranco Rank

Tranco rank measures Integrify's overall internet traffic.

# 236295 / 6000000 * last update: Feb 24, 2024
Alexa Rank

Alexa rank measures Integrify's global website traffic.

# 292275 / 1000000 * last update: Apr 02, 2023
Majestic Rank

Majestic rank measures Integrify's inbound link volume.

# 233884 / 1000000 * last update: Sep 11, 2023
Umbrella Rank

Umbrella rank measures Integrify's domain DNS requestss.

# 862015 / 1000000 * last update: Sep 11, 2023

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